Graduate study
吳 昆導師

        吳昆,男,1981年7月出生,博士,研究員,博士生導師。2009年6月畢業于中國科學技術大學,獲博士學位。2008年8月赴英國博爾頓大學(University of Bolton, UK)訪問學習。2009年7月至今中國科學院廣州化學研究所工作。
主要研究涉及功能高分子新材料的合成、結構與應用性能關系研究,包括復合材料的無鹵阻燃、導熱特性研究等領域。先后主持國家自然科學基金、廣東省自然科學基金、廣東省科技計劃重點項目、中科院廣東省全面戰略合作項目、廣東省重大科技成果轉化項目、廣州市科技計劃等20余個。在Journal of Materials Chemistry、Composites Science and Technology等發表SCI論文70余篇(被引1000余次);申請發明專利50余項。先后入選廣東省科技創新青年拔尖人才、廣州市珠江科技新星、中國科學院青年創新促進會等人才計劃項目。擔任26家國際SCI期刊,如Chemistry of Materials、Polymer Chemistry等,學術審稿人。為廣東省青年科學家協會、廣東省知識產權專家庫、廣東省自然科學研究中級專業技術資格評委會等多個學術機構會員。以第一完成人身份獲得多項獎勵,如中國專利獎、廣東省專利金獎、廣東省科技進步獎、廣州市科技進步獎等。先后獲中國科學院院長獎、省優秀博士論文、中科院廣州分院優秀青年科技工作者、中科院廣州分院優秀青年科學家、中科院廣州分院優秀研究生導師等多項榮譽。獲科技成果鑒定一項,為國內領先水平。主持制定廣東省地方標準一項。在科技成果轉化方面,主持研制的核殼結構型阻燃劑、砂漿改性劑、觸控屏感光防護油墨等多個新材料產品成功實現產業化銷售(其中有2項產品獲得廣東省高新技術產品稱號),取得了良好的社會經濟效益。
1.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Shan Wang, et al. Green reduction of graphene oxide by polydopamine to a construct flexible film: superior flame retardancy and high thermal conductivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7TA04740A.
2.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Shan Wang, et al. Melamine resin/graphite nanoflakes hybrids and its vacuum-assisted prepared epoxy composites with anisotropic thermal conductivity and improved flame retardancy.  Composites Science and Technology, 2017; 144: 100-106.
3.Fei Xiao, Kun Wu1 , Fubin Luo, et al. An efficient phosphonate-base ionic liquid on flame retardancy and mechanical property of epoxy resin. Journal of Materials Science. 2017, DOI :10.1007/s10853-017-1483-x.
4.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu,  Mangeng Lu, et al. Surface modification of aluminum hypophosphite and its application for polyurethane foam composites. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017. 129: 767-775.
5.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Huilong Guo, et al. Simultaneous reduction and surface functionalization of graphene oxide for enhancing flame retardancy and thermal conductivity of mesogenic epoxy composites. Polymer International, 2016. 66(1): 98-107.
6.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Huilong Guo, et al. Anisotropic thermal conductivity and flame retardancy of nanocomposite based on mesogenic epoxy and reduced graphene oxide bulk. Composites Science and Technology, 2016. 132: 1-8.
7.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu and Mangeng Lu. Enhanced thermal stability and flame retardancy of polyurethane foam composites with polybenzoxazine modified ammonium polyphosphates. RSC Advances, 2016. 6: 13418-13425.
8.Lu Shen, Jian Zheng, Ying Wang, Mangeng Lu, Kun Wu. Influence of hydrogen bonding interactions on the properties of ultraviolet-curable coatings. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/app.43113.
9.Lu Shen,Ying Wang, Qiang Zhao, Fubin Luo, Junhua Chen, Mangeng Lu, Liyan Liang, Kun Wu and Jun Shi. Influence of a long-side-chain-containing reactive diluent on the structure and mechanical properties of UV-cured films. Polymer International, 2016. 65(10): 1150-1156.
10.Huilong Guo, Jian Zheng, Jianqun Gan, Liyan Liang,  Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu. High thermal conductivity epoxies containing substituted biphenyl mesogenic. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2016. 27(3): 2754-2759.
11.Qiang Zhao, Junhua Chen, Fubin Luo, Lu Shen, Ying Wang, Kun Wu,Mangeng Lu. Assembly of ordered polyaniline-graphene hybrid nanomaterials based on poly(2-methoxyaniline-5-sulfonic acid) functionalized graphene nanosheets. Synthetic Metals, 2016. 221: 103-113.
12.Lu Shen, Yinwen Li, Jian Zheng, Mangeng Lu, Kun Wu. Modified epoxy acrylate resin for photocurable temporary protective coatings. Prog. Org. Coat., 2015; 89:17-25.
13.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Yinwen Li, Jian Zheng, Huilong Guo, Mangeng Lu. Reactive flame retardant with core-shell structure and its flame retardancy in rigid polyurethane foam. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2015; DOI: 10.1002/app.42800.
14.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Huilong Guo, Qiang Zhao, Liyan Liang, Mangeng Lu. Effect of cellulose whisker and ammonium polyphosphate on thermal properties and flammability performance of rigid polyurethane foam. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2015;  DOI: 10.1007/s10973-015-4766-y.
15.Fubin Luo, Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu, Shibin Nie, Xiaoya Li, Xiaoxiao Guan. Thermal degradation and flame retardancy of microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate in rigid polyurethane foam. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2015; 120: 1327-1335.
16.Huilong Guo, Yinwen Li, Jian Zheng, Jianqun Gan, Liyan Liang, Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu. High thermo-responsive shape memory epoxies based on substituted biphenyl mesogenic with good water resistance. RSC Adv., 2015; 5: 67247-67257.
17.Huilong Guo, Yinwen Li, Jian Zheng, Jianqun Gan, Liyan Liang, Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu. Reinforcement in the mechanical properties of shape memory liquid crystalline epoxy composites. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2015; DOI: 10.1002/app.42616.
18.Yan Zhang, Yinwen Li, Jian Zheng, Huilong Guo, Xiaoxiao Guan, Mangeng Lu, Kun Wu, Li-yan Liang. Synthesis and characterization of vinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes-reinforced silicone resin with three-dimensional cross-linking structure. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2015; DOI 10.1002/app.42187.
19.Yinwen Li, Huilong Guo, Jianqun Gan, Jian Zheng, Yan Zhang, Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu. Novel fast thermal-responsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels with functional cyclodextrin interpenetrating polymer networks for controlled drug release. J. Polym. Res., 2015; DOI 10.1007/s10965-015-0720-8.
20.Yinwen Li, Huilong Guo, Jian Zheng, Jianqun Gan, Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu. Thermoresponsive and self-assembly behaviors of poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) based cyclodextrin cored star polymer and pseudo-graft polymer. Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 2015; 471: 178-189.
21.Yinwen Li, Xiuwen Zheng, Huayu Zhu, Kun Wu, Mangeng Lu. Synthesis and self-assembly of well-defined binary graft copolymer and its use in superhydrophobic cotton fabrics preparation. RSC Adv., 2015; 5: 46132-46145.
22.Chaoxia Li, Mangeng Lu, Kun Wu, Yunfei Zhang, Lei Miao, Yinwen Li, Huilong Guo, Jian Zheng. Temperature responsiveness and sustained delivery properties of macroporous PEG‐co‐PNIPAAm‐co‐PCL hydrogels. Polym. Eng. Sci. 2015,55:223-230.
23.Yinwen Li, Huilong Guo, Jian Zheng, Jianqun Gan, Yan Zhang, Xiaoxiao Guan, Kun Wu, Lu Mangeng. Synthesis and encapsulation of an amphiphilic thermoresponsive star polymer with beta-cyclodextrin and hyperbranched poly(oligo(ethylene glycol)methacrylate) as building blocks. RSC Advances. 2014; 97: 54268-54281.
24.Kun Wu, Yankui Zhang, Wenguang Hu, Jintian Lian, Yuan Hu. Influence of ammonium polyphosphate microencapsulation on flame retardancy, thermal degradation and crystal structure of polypropylene composite. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2013; 81: 17-23.
25.Ka Zhang, Kun Wu, Yankui Zhang, Haifeng Liu, Minmin Shen, Wenguang Hu. Flammability Characteristics and Performance of Flame-Retarded Epoxy Composite Based on Melamine Cyanurate and Ammonium Polyphosphate, Polym.-Plast. Technol. Eng.,2013; 52: 525-532.
26.Shibin Nie,Xueli Liu,Kun Wu,Guanglong Dai,Yuan Hu,Intumescent flame retardation of polypropylene/bamboo fiber semi-biocomposites, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 2013; 111 :425-430.
27.Kun Wu,Yankui Zhang,Ka Zhang,Minmin Shen,Yuan Hu, Effect of microencapsulation on thermalproperties and flammability performance of epoxy composite,J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2012; 94: 196-201.
28.Lianli Deng,Minmin Shen,Jing Yu,Kun Wu,Chengyong Ha,Preparation Characterization and Flame Retardancy of Novel Rosin-Based Siloxane Epoxy Resins,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51: 8178-8184,2012.
29.Yankui Zhang,Kun Wu,Ka Zhang,Xurui Wei,Minmin Shen,Influence of microencapsulation on combustion behavior and thermal degradation of intumescent flame-Retarded epoxy composite, Polym.-Plast. Technol. Eng.,51: 1054-1061,2012.
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